The Activist Guide
The Activist Guide is DRCNet's newsletter, published irregularly. Browse our back issues to for a glimpse at the history of the organization and of some of the activity taking place in the issue and the movement over the last few years. DRCNet's newsletters are indexed in the Drug Library Search Engine at,
along with the rest of our site as well as other sites.
- Issue #10: August 21, 1997
- Issue #9: October 20, 1996
- Issue #8: January 20, 1996
- Issue #7: October 10, 1995
- Issue #6: June 8, 1995
- Issue #5: February 20, 1995
- Issue #4: November 7, 1994
- Issue #3: September 23, 1994
- Issue #2: August 18, 1994
- Issue #1: May 21, 1994

Rapid Response Bulletins
To receive DRCNet alerts by e-mail, use our quick-signup form at,
or send e-mail to [email protected] with the line "subscribe drc-natl
firstname lastname yourstate" in the body of the message (not the
DRCNet's oldest action alerts and news bulletins, from 12/96 all the way back to our humble beginnings in 1993, are archived in full at To receive DRCNet alerts by e-mail, use our quick-signup form at,
or send e-mail to [email protected] with the line "subscribe drc-natl
firstname lastname yourstate" in the body of the message (not the
DRCNet Rapid-Response
in reverse chronological order
12/97 | 11/97 | 10/97
| 9/97 | 8/97 | 7/97
| 6/97 | 5/97 | 4/97
| 3/97 | 2/97 | 1/97
- 12-5
- The Week Online
with DRCNet, issue #21. British correspondent needed, legislation
in MA, prohibition-induced violence.
- 11-23
- The Week Online
with DRCNet, issue #20 DRCNet needs you, Canada news, student suspended
for lemon drops.
- 11-20
- Legislative Alert.
Take action against mandatory minimums.
- 11-15
- The Week Online
with DRCNet, issue #19 NJ NEP battle, Virginia and pain control,
junior high student suspended for cough drop, stats on alcohol consumption,
call for sentance reform in Colorado.
- 11-7
- The Week Online
with DRCNet, issue #18 McWilliams Case Set Back, Washington Initiative
Fails at Ballot, Prohibition at Work.
- 11-2
- The Week Online
with DRCNet, issue #17 Focus on Columbia, Reformer's Calendar,
Medical Marijuana Defense in Michigan, a survey.
- 10-24
- The Week Online
with DRCNet, issue #16 DRCNet moves.. help us pay the rent! Dave
and Adam return from the Drug Policy Foundation conference.
- 10-11
- The Week Online
with DRCNet, issue #15 First Federally Sponsored Med Mj Research
Research Approved, Interview with Alexander Robinson, FBI reports on Mj
- 10-3
- The Week Online
5, 11th International Conference on Drug Policy, House Judiciary Committee
holds hearings on medical marijuana.
- 9-20
- The Week Online
with DRCNet, issue #12 Anti-narcotics team busted on drug charges,
State and Federal agents raid wrong house, Hempfest marred by official
"mistakes" Mothers to march for needle exchange in NJ.
- 9-12
- The Week Online
with DRCNet, issue #11 Membership/fundraising drive, David Borden
to address drug war topics at UVA, Win in class-action lawsuit by California
doctors, Focus: Michigan.
- 9-9
- Help DRCNet Meet
its Goals Help DRCNet Meet its Goals!
- 9-5
- The Week Online
with DRCNet, issue #10 Britain feels the pangs of a stirring revolution,
Costa Rica hands over its sovereignty to the DEA, Latest Activist Guide,
- 8-29
- The Week Online
with DRCNet, issue #9 U.S. reports "progress" in the
international War on Drugs. California Attorney General adds a surprising
voice to calls for research. Wall Street Journal article on Columbia.
- 8-22
- The Week Online
with DRCNet, issue #8 California appeals court ruling is a win-win
for medical marijuana patients, George Soros gives $1 Million for NEPs,
No indictments for marines who shot Texas schoolboy.
- 8-17
- Help DRCNet Grow
Appeal for help.
- 8-15
- The Week Online
with DRCNet, issue #7 More on the New Jersey conviction, Constitutional
Challenge to Canada's marijuana prohibition, New England Journal of Medicine
follows up on it's January editorial in support of medical marijuana.
- 8-13
Exchangers Convicted Latest news about Thomas Scozarre and Diana
McCague of the Chai Project NEP, and an opportunity for us to help change
the law by writing to the media and to legislators.
- 8-1
- The Week Online
with DRCNet, issue #5 Chai Project trial, Disturbing numbers from
the CDC, Australia approves stage 1 of heroin maintenance trial, book reviews.
- 7/28
- Drug Policy Media
Alert -- Court TV and The Economist. Bulletin
informing readers of Court TV coverage of the Chai Project needle exchange
trial and the money laundering cover title in The Economist magazine.
- 7/24
- The Week Online
with DRCnet, issue #4. Request for
members to write to the President, Congress, and the New York Times in
support of the administration's advocacy of reducing crack cocaine sentences,
and in opposition to their call to raise powder cocaine sentences.
- 7/22
- Legislative/Media
Alert on Crack/Cocaine Sentencing Disparity. Request
for members to write to the President, Congress, and the New York Times
in support of the administration's advocacy of reducing crack cocaine sentences,
and in opposition to their call to raise powder cocaine sentences.
- 7/17
- The Week Online
with DRCNet, issue #3. Third edition
of DRCNet's weekly update on results of past action alerts and happenings
with the organization.
- 7/10
- The Week Online
with DRCNet, issue #2. Second edition
of DRCNet's weekly update on results of past action alerts and happenings
with the organization.
- 7/5
- DRCNet Gets Top
Feature in Wired News! Announcement
of DRCNet's first major publicity, with letter-writing feedback request..
- 7/2
- The Week Online
with DRCNet. First edition of DRCNet's
weekly update on results of past action alerts and happenings with the
- 6/24
Recriminalization in Oregon. Request
for phone calls and faxes urging Oregon's governor to veto a bill restoring
criminal penalties for possession of small quantities of marijuana.
- 6/21
- New York Times
Misrepresents Online Drug Policy Reform. Request
for letters to the editor to be sent to the New York Times responding to
their drugs and the Internet front page article.
- 6/17
- URGENT: 6/18 Vote
on Forfeiture Reform Bill (Tomorrow). Letter
writing request in support of the bipartisan Asset Forfeiture Reform Act
of 1997.
- 6/2
- Support for DPR
Needed Within and Without Connecticut. Action
alert in support of drug policy reform legislation in the Connecticut legislature.
- 5/21
- Letters Needed
This Week, and Other Items. Alert
on public housing bill amendments requiring eviction of tenants convicted
of drug offenses, and announcement of RAND study on mandatory minimum sentencing.
- 5/16
- Will Foster Update
and Action Alert. Action alert on
behalf of Will Foster, patient serving 93 years for a first-time marijuana
offense, who was being denied medical care by the prison authorities and
was in danger of losing his legs.
- 5/11
- Drug Policy Forum
in New York City with Hugh Downs, 5/14. Announcement
of public forum on drugs, prisons and justice, sponsored by the Partnership
for Responsible Drug Information.
- 5/8
- Urgent Federal Action
Alert. Alert on public housing bill
amendments requiring eviction of tenants convicted of drug offenses.
- 5/5
- Washington, DC Action
Opportunities THIS WEEK. Announcement
of public hearings on District of Columbia marijuana mandatory minimum
bill and FAMM rally on the Capitol steps.
- 5/2
- Good News from Cleveland
Needle Exchange. News release from
the City of Cleveland of official acceptance of The Xchange Point needle
exchange program, formerly threatened with prosecution.
- 5/1
- ALERT: Santa Cruz
Needle Exchange Facing Arrests. Letter-writing
alert in support the Santa Cruz Needle Exchange Program, facing difficulties
in their usually smooth relations with the city police.
- 4/28
- Oregon Recriminalization
Vote Tomorrow. Action alert in opposition
to marijuana recriminalization bill in the Oregon legislature..
- 4/23
- ALERT: Human Rights
Abuses in Bolivian Drug War. Report
and letter writing request on violence and other rights violations by Bolivian
antinarcotics and other police forces.
- 4/19
- ALERT: Major Canadian
Newspaper Criticizes Drug Prohibition. Letter
writing request in response to and support of The Ottawa Citizen's series
of editorials criticizing prohibition.
- 4/17
- Drug Policy Foundation
Web Site Online. Press release from
the Drug Policy Foundation, announcing the inauguration of their web site,
and their pro bono advertising in Wired
- 4/17
- ALERT: Important
Federal Legislative Update. Action
alert on federal crime bills and other legislation..
- 4/17
- The Sky is Falling
II. Urgent appeal for donations.
- 4/11
- Federal Judge Says
"Hands Off Doctors". Announcement
of temporary restraining order against federal government regarding legal
sanctions against doctors who recommend medicinal use of marijuana.
- 4/10
- Major Constitutional
Challenge to Canadian Drug Laws. Announcement
of upcoming case in Canadian Supreme Court and information on how to donate
to it.
- 4/10
- Drug Policy Reform
Calendar. April 10 edition of The
Reformer's Calendar.
- 4/3
- Oppose Drug Criminalization
in Oregon. Action alert in opposition
to several drug war bills and in support for medical marijuana and industrial
hemp legislation..
- 4/3
- Marijuana Legislation
in California Legislature NOW. Action
alert in support of medical marijuana and Prop. 215 implementation bill,
and in opposition to "Smoke A Joint, Lose Your License".
- 4/3
- Support Drug Policy
Reform Bills in Connecticut. Action
alert in support of several drug policy reform bills, including medical
marijuana, deregulation of methadone treatment, and enactment of the comprehensive
recommendations of the state's Law Review Commission for a public health
- 3/26
- Will Foster Action
Opportunity. Action alert of behalf
of medical marijuana patient Will Foster.
- 3/24
- The Reformer's
Calendar. Latest edition of our international
calendar of events.
- 3/23
- Help DRCNet Grow.
Request for members to distribute recruitment text and place links on web
- 3/23
- Volunteering for
DRCNet. Call for volunteers.
- 3/18
- Human Rights Watch
Denounces Disproportionate Drug Sentences.
Information on report from human rights group denouncing U.S. drug sentencing
as in violation of international human rights accords.
- 3/18
- DRCNet Seeking
Info for Calendar and on Current Events.
Request for information for Reformer's Calendar and other purposes.
- 3/17
- Nightline on drug
policy. Announcement of Nightline
edition featuring Prof. Craig Reinarman of U.C. Santa Cruz, a long-time
drug policy reformer.
- 3/12
- ALERT: Smoke-A-Joint,
Lose Your License Vote Coming Up.
Action alert in opposition to "Smoke-A-Joint, Lose Your License"
and in support of opting-out of the federal requirement.
- 3/9
- Drug Education Featured
on DRCNet web site. Announcement of
new drug education section on DRCNet's web site.
- 3/3
- Protests, Hearings,
and Meetings in Massachusetts THIS WEEK.
Announcement of protest against drug czar Barry McCaffrey's appearance
at Harvard and other events taking place in Massachusetts.
- 2/25
- Press Release and
Conference, 2/25/97, Washington, DC.
DRCNet press release criticizing the Administration's 1997 Drug Control
Strategy, and announcement of press conference held jointly by a variety
of reform groups.
- 2/25
- Clinton Drug Strategy
Coming Out. Announcement of media
coverage of the president's Drug Control Strategy by CNN, the Associated
Press and National Public Radio.
- 2/21
- DARE/Dateline tonight,
and New Republic expose. Announcement
of DARE exposés by NBC Dateline and the New Republic magazine.
- 2/18
- Good News in Virginia,
but Help Still Needed TODAY. Action
alert, asking Virginians to call their Delegates in opposition to medical
marijuana opponents' last ditch effort to pass a repeal bill by attaching
it to a larger pharmacy bill.
- 2/14
- Poll Finds Overwhelming
Support for Medical Marijuana. Memorandum
from Lake Research finding 60 percent support among Americans for medical
marijuana and 68 percent support for California and Arizona's right to
pass it.
- 2/14
- Virginia Anti-Medmj
Bill Faltering, Help Needed This Weekend.
Request for Virginians to attend hearings at the Senate Health and Education
Committee in opposition to repeal of the state's medical marijuana law.
- 2/12
- URGENT: Virginia
anti-medmj bill in committee TOMORROW.
Request for letters to be sent to the Virginia Senate Health and Education
Committee, asking them not to pass the anti-medical marijuana bill.
- 2/12
- URGENT California
Legislative Alert. Action alert in
opposition to California's "Smoke-A-Join, Lose Your License"
bill and in support of opting-out of the federal requirement.
- 2/8
- Action Opportunity
to Help California Physicians. Request
for letters to the California Medical Board, asking them to develop sensible
guidelines for responsible prescribing of medical marijuana to protect
doctors from sanction.
- 2/6
- Oklahoma Medical
Marijuana Patient Gets 93 Years. Information
bulletin and letter writing request on behalf of medical marijuana patient
Will Foster.
- 2/6
- ALERT: Insane Drug
War Bills in Maryland Legislature.
Action alert in opposition to four negative bills filed in the Maryland
- 2/5
- URGENT: VA Senate
Considering Medical Marijuana Repeal.
Action alert in response to the passage of an anti-medical marijuana bill
by the Virginia House of Delegates and its fast-tracking in the Senate.
- 2/4
- DRCNet Announcements,
2/4/97. Four media-related announcements,
including a recap of the 2/3 Nightline debate and a listing of falsehoods
and contradictions made by drug czar Barry McCaffrey about medical marijuana.
- 2/3
- Nightline medical
marijuana rescheduled for tonight.
Announcement of Nightline rescheduling with debate between the editor of
the New England Journal of Medicine and the chief counsel of ONDCP..
- 2/3
Ohio Medical Marijuana Law Under Threat.
Action alert on behalf of Ohio medical marijuana law facing repeal effort.
- 1/30
- Nightline on medical
marijuana. Announcement of Nightline
coverage of medical marijuana and the NEJM editorial.
- 1/30
- Medical Journal
Endorses Medical Marijuana, Criticizes Feds.
Announcement of pro-medical marijuana editorial in the New England Journal
of Medicine, with press release from Americans for Medical Rights.
- 1/29
- Live Call-In to
Medical Marijuana Debate TOMORROW.
Announcement of debate between Kevin Zeese and Robert McGinnis (Family
Research Council) on Janet Parshall's America and request for callers.
- 1/28
- URGENT: Virginia
Voting on Medical Marijuana Repeal This Week.
Action alert on behalf of Virginia medical marijuana law facing repeal
- 1/22
- Another Media Appearance.
Announcement of medical marijuana discussion with Eric Sterling on National
Empowerment Television.
- 1/21
- Drug Policy in
the Media. Announcement of discussions
of medical marijuana, syringe exchange and teen drug use on the Gordon
Elliot show, UPN 9 News in New York, and the Geraldo Rivera show.
- 1/19
-- Cleveland Needle Exchangers Facing Arrest.
Action alert on behalf of The Xchange Point needle exchange program facing
prosecution by the city.
- 1/17
- CNBC program on
medical marijuana, early Friday evening.
Announcement of medical marijuana debate on the program Equal Time.
- 1/16
- Prohibitionists
Attacking Virginia Medical Marijuana Law.
Action alert in defense of state medical marijuana facing repeal effort
in wake of California and Arizona initiatives.
- 1/14
- California Medical
Marijuana Class Action Suit Against Feds.
Announcement of 1st amendment suit by doctors and patients challenging
federal government on its anti-medical marijuana threats, with press release
and information from Americans for Medical Rights.
- 1/14
- The Sky is Falling.
Emergency request for donations.
- 1/10
- Demonstration against
General McCaffrey in San Francisco.
Alert about medical marijuana protest of drug czar's appearance in SF,
organized by ACTUP Golden Gate.
- 1/9
- Drug Policy Reform
Calendar. Latest version of our calendar
of drug policy reform events and other related events around the world.
- 1/9
- Drug Czar Contradicts
Himself, Stalls on Medical Marijuana.
Press from Americans for Medical Rights commenting on the redundancy of
the proposed Institute of Medicine review of medical marijuana research
and noting ONDCP's contradictory statements denying existence of research
then denying having denied it.
- 1/6
- Drug Czar Circulates
Fraudulent Document at Press Conference.
Press release from California NORML about government's fraudulent chart
of medical marijuana uses falsely attributed to Dr. Tod Mikuriya, medical
advisor to Prop. 215.
- 1/5
- CNN Presents marijuana
special Sunday evening (tonight).
Announcement of airing of updated version of CNN's drug war expose Higher
