Issue #169 of The Week Online with DRCNet has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Cops and Robbers: Exposés Find Ashcroft Encouraged Constitutional Violations in Missouri Asset Forfeiture Cases, Police Agencies Kept Funds Intended for Schools," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "AIDS Activists Storm Ashcroft Hearing, Denounce Needle Exchange Record," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "And the New Drug Czar is...?," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Implementing the Initiatives: Nevada Medical Marijuana Fight Moves to Legislature as AMR Eyes Bigger Targets," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "As Anti-Ecstasy Offensive Intensifies, US Attorney in New Orleans Indicts Rave Promoters," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Follow That Story: Modesto Police Fail to Find Reason for Shooting 11-Year-Old in Drug Raid, More Investigations Pending," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Massachusetts: Local Victories on Marijuana Questions in November Start to Have an Impact on Beacon Hill," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Calling All Activists: Ashcroft, Hemp," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "The Reformer's Calendar: LA, Philly, Portland, New York, DC, SF, Minneapolis, St. Petersburg, Fort Bragg, Miami, Amsterdam, New Delhi," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.

This article, "Editorial: A Message to the Incoming President," has moved to Please update your links/bookmarks accordingly.