Drug Reform Coordination Network (DRCNet) Rapid Response Team Drug War Bill Still Threatening VISIT: http://www.drcnet.org/freespeech/ 7/18/00
In May, DRCNet alerted its members that an
insidious attack on the 1st Amendment was taking place, and that help was
needed to stop a bill being considered in the House Judiciary Committee.
Since that time, H.R. 2987, the so-called "Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation
Act" has been repeatedly delayed in committee -- perhaps due to your strong
opposition -- but is now scheduled to come to a vote TOMORROW (Wednesday
7/19). Please visit http://www.drcnet.org/freespeech/ to send a free
e-mail or fax to Congress, to tell them that H.R. 2987 won't stop meth
but will injure the Constitution.
Please also visit http://www.house.gov/judiciary/mem106.htm
to find out if your rep is on the committee, and if so, click through to
his or her web site and find out the phone number to call -- or write down
the number provided by our system at http://www.drcnet.org/freespeech/
when you are using it, or
If H.R. 2987 passes as written, anyone whose web site even links to certain kinds of drug information could face up to ten years in federal prison. Groups like DRCNet that are devoted strictly to policy reform could be placed at risk through association. Web sites helping patients make decisions about marijuana as a medicine could elicit the heavy hand of the criminal justice system, as could sites helping to reduce the harm of drug addiction through safer-injecting techniques and other harm reduction measures. Other provisions of the bill are little better, requiring the US Sentencing Commission to increase mandated federal penalties for methamphetamine offenses and moving drug policy as a whole further down the drug war's destructive path. Please tell Congress you oppose H.R. 2987 in its entirety, but that you're particularly opposed to the sections titled "Advertisements for Drug Paraphernalia and Schedule I Controlled Substances" and "Criminal Prohibition on Distribution of Certain Information Relating to the Manufacture of Controlled Substances." Please visit http://www.drcnet.org/freespeech/ and make your voice heard today, while you can! VISIT: http://www.drcnet.org/freespeech/ (Visit http://www.drcnet.org/wol/140.html#editorial to read DRCNet's editorial on the disloyalty of elected officials who swear to uphold the Constitution yet deliberately sponsor unconstitutional bills like these.)
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