Thank you for helping the campaign to stop H.R. 2987, S. 2612 and the drug provisions of the bankruptcy bill, ill-conceived drug war legislation that would prevent advocacy groups, social outreach workers and other concerned citizens from engaging in constitutionally protected free speech regarding drugs and their place in society. You can dramatically increase your impact by calling your U.S. Representative on the phone -- hit back on your browser if you haven't already written it down -- or just call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 to be transferred. Ongoing information on federal legislation is available from

For More Information
Background on the Ecstasy Anti-Proliferation Act, from the Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics

The Anti-Meth Bill, Washington Post editorial against the meth bill's anti-speech provisions

Censoring Pot Messages, San Francisco Bay Guardian, 1/12/00

Just Say Nothing, Boston Phoenix, 9/2-9/99

Reefer Madness Hits Congress, Wired News, 8/6/99

more coming soon...
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  • Thank you for helping the campaign to stop H.R. 2987, S. 2612 and the anti-drug provisions of H.R. 833, ill-conceived drug war legislation that would gravely threaten our nation's greatest treasure, freedom of speech. Please help us a little more by asking your friends to visit this site.

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