As Recently I've received several announcements concerning state-level activism, which I will be sending this evening to all DRCNet subscribers. I would like to in the future be able to fine-tune such mailings so as to only send them to people who are interested in those states. With that end in mind, I request that you send me information on what states you would like to receive information on. You're welcome to be on the list for all states, or to choose a number of states, or just one, or none. If you would like to receive activist info for all states, write "ALL" in capital letters in your email to me. If you would like one or more but not all states, please list the states in capital letters in your email. If you don't want any state-level informtion, please write "NONE" in your email. This may take a couple of weeks to get all sorted out, so pardon me until then if you continue to get state-level information that you're not interested in.
- Dave
[email protected]
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