DRCNetDrug Reform Coordination Network


Washington State
Marijuana Initiative Needs Help With Final Push

The following notice was submitted to DRCNet by the Washington State Marijuana Initiative (contact information included):

The Hemp 1000!!!

Be one of the "Hemp 1000"!!! We need to get 2000 signatures a day in order to get the Washington State Marijuana Initiative (Initiative 622) on the ballot. If we have a thousand people working on this all they have to do is get 2 signatures a day from now until June 28th. That's only 60 signatures in all. I get more than that in one afternoon just sitting at Green Lake reading a book!!! If you hit one of the Universities, a concert, a sporting event, or your local mall you could easily get a hundred in ONE SINGLE AFTERNOON. You can spare one measly, smarmy afternoon for hemp can't you? Good! Glad to hear it.

I know we can do it this year, but its going to be a push. We have an advantage over any other initiative signature gatherers in that there are at statistically about 1.3 million people in Washington state who have used marijuana so at least THAT many people KNOW it is less harmful than alcohol. All we have to do is TO GET TO THEM. So you don't have to push the initiative, just make sure everybody knows where to sign one. BE PART OF THAT PROCESS.

Call the Marijuana Initiative Hotline, (206) 548-8043, for information on how to get petitions OR you can pick up and/or sign the petition at one of the following locations:

In Seattle at the:

American Hemp Mercantile on the ground floor of the Smith Tower at 2nd and Yesler downtown.

Pictures Perfect at First and King, just south of Pioneer Square (on Monday thru Friday 12 to 5 and Saturday from 11 to 4 only please.)

Left Bank Books in the Pike Place Market

Red and Black Books at 15th and Republican on Capitol Hill

The Trading Musician at 65th and 15th in the U District.

Mandala Books at 64th and Roosevelt in the U District.

In Olympia you can pick up petitions at the

Animas Trading Company at 4th and Columbia downtown.

The Harrison and Turner Book Company near Washington and 4th downtown.

Five Corners Gifts at Columbia and Legion.

In Spokane at:

If you would like to be added to the Initiative 622 update list please send your request to:

[email protected]

Thanks!!! And as one of our merry volunteers says,

"Hemp Hemp Hurray!!!"


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