DRCNetDrug Reform Coordination Network


D.P.F. Conference, 10/18-10/21, Santa Monica, CA

The Ninth International Conference on Drug Policy Reform, "Harm Reduction: Bringing the International Community Together," sponsored by the Drug Policy Foundation, will take place at the Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel in Santa Monica, California, from October 18-21. Featured speakers include ABC Nightly News anchor Catherine Crier, former US Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders, and immediate past President of the American Bar Association George Bushnell. There will also be a series of pioneering panels dealing with such important matters as the Swiss heroin maintenance experiments, the failures of U.S. drug education, the war on lawyers, the California medical marijuana initiative, and the politics of pain control, among many others.

If you plan to attend this year's conference but have not already made your travel arrangements, you are recommended to do so ASAP, as space is limited at the conference hotel and the best airfares are obtained weeks in advance.

A summary of the conference schedule is attached, followed by a registration form, which you may print out and return to DPF. For more information, contact:

For accommodations, please contact:

Conference attendees receive the following special room rates:

Remember to call the hotel directly for your reservations and tell them that you are attending the DPF conference.

Conference Chair
Arnold S. Trebach, PhD, President, Drug Policy
Foundation, Professor, The American University

Medical Chair
David Lewis, MD, Brown University

Honorary Legal Chair
Ronald Sinoway, Esq., Redwood, CA

Wednesday, October 18, 1995

5:00-7:00pm             Reception & Registration

Thursday, October 19, 1995

8:00am-5:00pm           Registration

 9:00am-5:00pm          Bookstore
8:45-9:30am             Opening Addresses

Arnold S. Trebach, PhD, Pres., Drug Policy Foundation
George E. Bushnell, Jr., fmr. Pres., American Bar Association

9:30-10:15am            Reform in Review

Arnold S. Trebach, Drug Policy Foundation
Joseph McNamara, PhD, Hoover Institution
Cheryl Anthony Epps, Drug Policy Foundation

10:30-11:30am           Public Attitudes & Strategies

David C. Condliffe, Exec. Dir., Drug Policy Foundation
Ira Glasser, Exec. Dir., American Civil Liberties Union
Sam Vagenas, fmr. Dep. Sec. of State, Arizona
John Sperling, CEO, University of Phoenix

11:45am-1:00pm          Reform Around the World

Ethan Nadelmann, PhD, The Lindesmith Center
Anthony Henman, DrugReform Group, United Kingdom
Patrick Aeberhard, MD, Pres., Med. du Monde, France
Ron Owens, Australian Drug Law Foundation
Jean-Paul Grund, The Lindesmith Center

2:15-3:45pm             The Swiss Experiment

David C. Lewis, MD, Brown University
Ambrose Uchtenhagen, University of Zurich
Robert Haemmig, MD, Prescription Program, Bern
Claude Uehlinger, MD,Centre Psycho-social, Fribourg

4:00-5:30pm             Workshops

Practicalities of Drug Reform Lobbying

Cheryl A. Epps, Drug Policy Foundation
Eric Sterling, Criminal Justice Policy Foundation
Keith Stroup, National NORML

Psycho-Pharmacology & Smoking Policy

Barry Beyerstein, Simon Fraser University
Dianne Riley, Canadian Center for Substance Abuse
Eugene Oscapella, Canadian Foundation for Drug Policy
Mary Anne Pentz, U.S.C. Medical School

New Ways of Thinking About Drug Use

Allan Clear, LES Harm Reduction Center
Stephen I. Dreyfus, Addictions Counselor, S.C.
Benoit van Caloen, Univ. de Sherbrooke, Canada

Turning Back the Tide: Harm Reduction in Hawaii

Donald Topping, University of Hawaii
Kim Marie Thornburn, MD, Hawaii Dept. of Public Safety
Pamela Lichty, University of Hawaii
Patricia Morgan, PhD, Univ. of California, Berkeley

Treatment Options

Bob Sisko, International Coalition for Addict Self Help
Thomas Maloney & Emily Reed, SODAT
Hugh Boeving, Ellsworth Correctional Facility

Friday, October 20, 1995

9:00-10:30am            U.S. Drug Education

Joel Brown, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation
Rod Skager, University of California, Los Angeles
Bonnie Bernard, Far West Laboratories
Marianne D'Emidio-Casto, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara
Nancy Tobler, Research Triangle Institute
Jordan Horowitz, Southwest Regional Laboratory
Elliot Curie, East Bay Coalition Project

10:45am-12:15pm         Drugs and Communities of Color

Raymond Brown Jr., Esq., Law Offices of Brown & Brown
Imani Woods, Street Outreach Services
Keith Cylar, Housing Works
Beny Primm, MD, Addiction Research and Treatment Co.

12:30-2:00pm            Luncheon

Keynote: Joycelyn Elders, MD, fmr. US Surgeon General

2:15-3:45pm             Cannabis Update 1995

Lester Grinspoon, MD, Harvard Medical School
Chris Conrad, Business Alliance for Commerce in Hemp
John Morgan, MD, City College of New York
Lynn Zimmer, PhD, City College of New York
Dennis Peron, Californians for Compassionate Use
Keith Stroup, National NORML
Richard Cowan, National NORML

4:00-5:30pm             Workshops

Medical Caucus

David C. Lewis, MD, Brown University
Medical Track Planning Committee

Regulating Psychedelic Drugs

Neal Goldsmith, PhD, Tribeca Research Inc.
Alexander T. Shulgin, PhD, Univ. of California, San Francisco
Charles S. Grob, MD, Univ. of California, Los Angeles
Rick Doblin, MPP, Kennedy School, Harvard

Drug Policy and the Media:

Dan Weiller, The Lindesmith Center
Rob Stewart, Drug Policy Foundation
Dave Fratello, Drug Policy Foundation
Clifford Schaffer, Canyon Country, CA

Practicalities of Drug Litigation

Jeffrey Steinborn, Steinborn & Associates
Mark Silverstein, Southern California ACLU
William Logan, Esq., Three Rivers, CA
Janet Sherman, Sherman & Sherman

Harm Reduction: The Cutting Edge

Jon Paul Hammond, Prevention Point Philadelphia
Kelli Trombacco, Minority AIDS Project
Renee Edgington, Clean Needles Now

Saturday, October 21, 1995

8:45-9:30am             Special Address

Catherine Crier, ABC News

9:30-11:00am            The War on Lawyers

Arnold S. Trebach, Drug Policy Foundation
William Moffit, Esq., Moffit Zwerling & Kemler
Gerald Goldstein, Esq., Goldstein, Goldstein & Hilley

11:15am-12:45pm         Youth on Drugs & Violence

Sarah Kershnar, Harm Reduction Coalition
Heather Edney, Santa Cruz Needle Exchange Program
Brandon Miller, Minority AIDS Project
Chandra Andrews, Street Survival Project

2:15-3:45pm             Methadone Maintenance

Marsha Rosenbaum, PhD, Institute for Scientific Analysis
Ernie Drucker, PhD, Montefiore Medical Center
Stan Novick, National Alliance of Methadone Advocates
Reda Sobky, MD, Fort Help

Joyce Lowinson, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

4:00-5:30pm             Workshops

HIV/AIDS Prevention & Outreach

Lori Jenkins, Center for Innovative Programs
Robert Broadhead, MD, University of Connecticut
Heather Edney, Santa Cruz Needle Exchange Program

The Right to be Different

Benson Roe, MD, Univ. of California, San Francisco
Hugh T. Miller, University of Wisconsin
John Beresford, MD, Committee on Unjust Sentencing
Dale Gieringer, California NORML

California Reform Forum

John Petit, Southern California ACLU
Dennis Peron, Californians for Compassionate Use
Sara Kershnar, Harm Reduction Coalition
Joey Tranchina, AIDS Prevention Action Network

Politics of Pain

Harvey L. Rose, MD, Family Physician, Legislative Consultant
Arnold S. Trebach, Drug Policy Foundation
John Morgan, MD, City College of New York
William Marcus, Dep. Attorney General, California

Coca `95: A Necessary Drug Policy Alternative

Douglas Willinger
Hugo Cabieses, Andean Action
Baldomero Caceres, Empersa Nacional de la Coca
Jorge Hurtado, International Coca Research Institute
Theobaldo Liosa, Clinico Los Olivos
Ricardo Parves, Coca `95

6:30-10:30pm            Awards Reception & Banquet

9th International Conference Registration Form

__ Registration:

September 1-October 13 $250; On Site $275

__ Luncheon $40                  __ Pool Party $15

__ Banquet $75                   __ Conference Manual $25

__ Professional Manual $50       __ Credit & Manual $75

__ Professional Package (Save $50!):

September 1-October 13 $365; On Site $390

Includes: Registration, Luncheon, Banquet, Party  & Conference Manual

Please Circle (if applicable):

   Legal or Medical & Regular or Vegetarian

       Credits                 Meals

Name (please print)



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Daytime Phone #

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TOTAL: $_____

(Note: Unencrypted e-mail is not a secure medium for transmitting credit card information.)

Please return this form to:

[Note: DRCNet and the Drug Policy Foundation are two separate organizations. We are currently receiving both funding and office space from DPF, hence are using the same US mail address. We are pleased to be able to announce the DPF conference on the internet; however, we ask that all inquiries regarding this event be directed to the address listed above.]

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