DRCNetDrug Reform Coordination Network


Please E-mail NBC News Today

DRCNet has received reports that tomorrow evening (Wednesday 1/31) NBC Nightly News's "Fleecing of America" series will feature the government's marijuana farm in Mississippi, calling the farm's $250,000 budget a waste of taxpayer's dollars. Though we cannot confirm this, the rumor is that they are focusing on the government's provision of legal medical marijuana to eight patients, as their example of government waste. We suspect the involvement of Partnership for a Drug Free America chairman James Burke, who is on the board of GE, which owns NBC.

Please take a moment right now to e-mail NBC, at "[email protected]". Tell them the real fleecing of America is the DEA's refusal to reschedule marijuana as a prescription medicine, despite DEA's own administrative law judge's ruling that they should (Judge Young, 1988, http://www.calyx.com/MEDICAL/young.html), and the billions of dollars the government spends to prevent patients, whose doctors agree that marijuana is the best medicine, from obtaining it. Suggest that they give some air time to H.R. 2618, Barney Frank's medical marijuana bill (originally filed by Newt Gingrich in the early 80s).

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