NY Assemblymember Ron Tocci has filed a bill to limit methadone treatment to 18 months. The limit is not tied to any method of financing. If the bill passes, methadone programs will have to cut all patients off after 18 months, regardless of how they were paying for the treatment, and whether or not the doctors feel those patients are ready.
This is an ideologically-based piece of zero-tolerance legislation that ignores the science and practicalities of methadone treatment. The certain outcome would be more heroin addicts trapped in the street economy, endangering themselves and others.
New York residents are urged to contact their assemblymembers in opposition to Assembly Bill 8937. Tell them that medical decisions should be left to doctors and patients. Ask them to vote against the bill if it comes to a vote, and in the meantime, to contact the assembly's Mental Health Committee to let them know they are opposed to it.
You can write to your state assemblymember at the following address:
The Honorable {your assemblymember}
Legislative Office Building
Albany, NY 12248
You can call your assemblymember, or find out who he or she is, through the Assembly Public Information Office, (518) 455-4218. Fax numbers must be obtained directly from each assemblymember's office.
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