DRCNetDrug Reform Coordination Network


Drug Policy Reform Calendar -- Updated 1/9/97

The Reformer's Calendar
A service of the Drug Reform Coordination Network

We rely on our readers for intelligence gathering. If you know of an event coming up, please let us know by sending the information to: DRCNet, 4455 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite B- 500, Washington, DC 20008-2302, (202) 362-0030 (voice), (202) 362-0032 (fax), e-mail [email protected]. The Reformer's Calendar covers not only drug policy reform, but also related events on a range of topics that are likely to be of interest to some of our readers. These topics include, but are not limited to, sentencing, justice reform, liberty, AIDS, needle exchange, harm reduction, methadone maintenance, asset forfeiture, pain treatment, drugs and the law, and skills- building for activists. We list big conferences as well as small local meetings - you name it, send it in! Listing of an organization's activities in the Reformer's Calendar does not imply endorsement of or by DRCNet or DRCNet's agenda.

Note: If we receive a significant number of submissions that are for events coming up very soon, we will post an update to this list within the next week. Please notify us of your events as far in advance as possible.

January 11, 10:00am-noon, Washington, DC
Families Against Mandatory Minimums chapter meeting, featuring guest speaker Melanie Sloan, Counsel to the Minority Staff of the House Judiciary Committee, at Christ Church, 620 G Street, SE, Washington, DC 20003. For information, call FAMM headquarters at (202) 822-6700.

January 11, 1:00pm, College Park, MD
Cocaine, Contras & the CIA, at the Days Inn off Route 1. Sponsored by Freaks Against Fascism. General FAF meeting from 11:00-4:00pm. For more info, contact FAF, P.O. Box 573, Hanover, MD 21076, (410) 385-9501, [email protected].

January 12, 19, and 26, 11:15am-12:30pm, Rochester, NY
The Color of Fear. Adult education classes sponsored by What Divides Us?, at Twelve Corners Presbyterian Church.

January 13, 7:00-9:00pm, Tempe, AZ
Monthly meeting of AZ4NORML, at the Tempe Public Library (downstairs), 3500 S. Rural Rd.

January 13, 7:30pm, Irving, TX
Drug Policy Forum of Texas North Texas chapter meeting, Oak Haven UMC, 1600 N. Irving Heights Drive. Meeting will feature Mark J. Bielamowicz, former mayor of Cedar Hill, TX, speaking on "You Have More Power Than You Think: What `Ordinary Citizens' can do to influence legislation and government". For further information, call (214) 827-1514. Meetings will be held on the second Monday of each month unless there is a compelling reason to move the time.

January 15, 10:00am-4:30pm, Rochester, NY
A Series of Events with Sister Helen Prejean, sponsored by Common Ground. Includes The Death Penalty: What's in it for Me?, a special event for students; Breaking the Cycle, a luncheon panel discussion with victims' families; and Preaching to the Choir, a regional meeting for anti-death penalty activists. For information, call (716) 293-3299.

January 18, afternoon, Hartford, CT
Efficacy meeting. Membership meeting for Connecticut-based reform group. For information, contact Efficacy, P.O. Box 1234, Hartford, CT 06143, (860) 285-8831, (860) 688-4677 (fax), [email protected].

January 20, Houston, TX
Drug Policy Forum of Texas public forum, featuring pain control expert Dr. Stratton Hill. For information, call (713) 266-4329 or e-mail [email protected].

January 22, 7:15pm, Bala Cynwyd, PA
Families Against Mandatory Minimums chapter meeting, at theUnion Fire Station. For information, Call Irv and Cooky Duboff, (610) 667-9313.

February 5, 8:00pm, Hayward, CA
Monthly meeting of California NORML, at the Hayward Hempery, 22630 Foothill Blvd. #250. Meetings will continue on the first Friday of the month till further notice.

February 8, 10:00am-noon, Washington, DC
Families Against Mandatory Minimums chapter meeting. For information, call FAMM headquarters at (202) 822-6700.

February 10, 7:00-9:00pm, Tempe, AZ
Monthly meeting of AZ4NORML, at the Tempe Public Library (downstairs), 3500 S. Rural Rd.

February 18-21, Aotearoa, New Zealand
Pathways to Penal Abolition, International Conference on Penal Abolition (ICOPA VIII). Hosted by the Movement for Alternative to Prison and the National Movement for Habilitation Centres and Restorative Justice in New Zealand. Closing date for registration: Oct. 31, 1996. Registration: NZ $200 (approx. US $100). For further information, contact Chris Cooper, Box 32 316 Devonport, Auckland 9, NEW ZEALAND, (64) (9) 445-1011.

February 27-March 2, Honolulu, HI
Crime, Justice and Cultural Diversity: From the Wild West to the Pacific Rim, annual conference of the Western Society of Criminology, at the Hawaii Prince Hotel. Registration is $110 members, $120 non-members, $55 member students, deadline January 15. Send checks to Western Society of Criminology, Linda Humble, Secretary/Treasurer, 1282 Stabler Lane, Suite 630-242, Yuba City, CA 95993. For information call Candace Cross-Drew at (916) 262-2736.

March 1-2, Rosslyn, VA
FAMM Training Workshop. For information or directions, call FAMM at (202) 822-6700.

March 7-8, Boston, MA
Treating the Addictions: What Works, offered by the Department of Psychiatry at the Cambridge Hospital, at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel. Physicians' fee $250, other professionals $190. For information contact Cambridge Hospital Professional Services, 130 Bishop Allen Drive, 4th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139, (617) 864-6165, (617) 876-9760 (fax).

March 7, Boston, MA
Protest Drug Czar Barry McCaffrey at the Harvard Addiction conference (above). For more information, contact DRCNet at (202) 362-0030 and we will put you in contact with local organizers.

March 11-14, Burlingame, CA
The Seventh Conference on Computers, Freedom & Privacy, at the San Francisco Airport Hyatt Regency Hotel. For general information, visit http://www.cfp.org on the web, or e-mail [email protected]. For questions about registration, call (415) 548-2424 or send email to [email protected].

March 16-18, Sydney, Australia
First Australian Conference on Hepatitis C. Program Tracts: Basic Sciences, Clinical Sciences, Epidemiology and Social Research, Public Health - Prevention and Community Support. For information, contact Conference Secretariat, P.O. Box 818, North Melbourne, Victoria 3051, Australia, [email protected].

March 23-27, Paris, France
Eighth International Conference on the Reduction of Drug- Related Harm, at the Maison de la Mutualite, Paris. For information, contact: HIT Conferencesw, Cavern Walks, 8 Mathew Street, Liverpool L2 6RE, UK, 44-151-227-4423 (voice), 44-151- 227-4023 (fax).

April 5, 10:00am-noon, Washington, DC
Families Against Mandatory Minimums chapter meeting. For information, call FAMM headquarters at (202) 822-6700.

April 13-16, Chicago, IL
AMTA Methadone Conference, "Brave Leadership in Challenging Times", to be held at the Sheraton Hotel and Towers. For information, contact: American Methadone Treatment Association (AMTA), 875 Kings Highway, Suite 200, Woodbury, NJ 08096-3172, (609) 845-1270. Methadone advocates, especially patients, should inquire about "working scholarships".

April 24-26, San Diego, CA
North American Syringe Exchange Convention VII, sponsored by the North American Syringe Exchange Network (NASEN), 535 Dock St., Suite 112, Tacoma, WA 98402, (voice), (206) 272-8415 (fax), [email protected]. At the Holiday Inn on the Bay, (800) 877-8920. Registration $150 until April 17, $240 after.

April 5, 10:00am-noon, Washington, DC
Families Against Mandatory Minimums chapter meeting. For information, call FAMM headquarters at (202) 822-6700.

May 10-14, Canton, MS
Weaving a New Vision of Hope, Thread by Thread, Color by Color, Design by Design. National Convocation of Jail and Prison Ministry annual conference. For info, call NCJPM at (202) 547-1715.

June 5-7, Albany, NY
Justice Without Violence: Views from Peacemaking Criminology and Restorative Justice, conference on crime, punishment and justice, sponsored by The Institute for Economic and Restorative Justice and the Dept. of Criminal Justice of Hudson Valley Community College. For info, contact Dennis Sullivan, The Institute for Economic and Restorative Justice, P.O. Box 262, Voorheesville, NY 12186, (518) 765-2468.

June 7-10, Washington, DC
Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errants National Convention, at Trinity College. $100 registration until January 31st, includes room and board. For information, contact National CURE, P.O. Box 2310, Washington, DC 20013- 2310, (202) 789-2126.

August 4-7, La Jolla, CA
UCSD Summer Clinical Institute on Addictions, hosted by the Addiction Technology Transfer Center of the School of Medicine's Dept. of Psychiatry. For further information contact Tom Colthurst, (619) 551-2944, (619) 551- 2948 (fax), or e-mail tc[email protected].

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