- Sounding the Alarm
- A new report from The Sentencing Project finds that 1 in 3 young black
men between the ages of 20 and 29 are under criminal justice supervision
-- on any given day. Drug policies are the largest contributing factor.
- 1 1/2 Million Americans in Prison
- A Department of Justice report reveals this startling fact -- but makes
us get out our calculators to realize it..
- A Medical Marijuana Victory
- The Superior Court in Kitsap County, Washington, rules that prescription
availability of marijuana is a right protected under the state's constitution.
- The Evidence Mounts...
- Yet another major report favoring needle exchange.
- A Gentle Voice of Dissent
- Reformers present a rational alternative to the government's "party
line" at the National Conference on Marijuana Use this summer.
- The Cannabis Patient Registry
- A new database and archive specific to medical marijuana patients,
their caregivers and attorneys.
- Visit to a Federal Prison
- A disturbing glimpse of the inside of a federal women's prison camp.
- Walter Cronkite on the "Drug War"
- Epilogue by Walter Cronkite at the end of The Drug Dilemma: War
or Peace?
- Legislative Alerts
- Two important legislative bulletins.
- Editor's Page: Minimize the Harm
- The focus on drug use reduction misses the fundamental point, which
is minimization of overall drug-related harm.
Peace |
Justice |
Freedom |
Compassion |
Truth |

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