- H.R. 3347
- A comprehensive forfeiture reform bill introduced by Rep. John Conyers
- H.R. 2417
- A good but less comprehensive forfeiture bill introduced by Rep. Henry
Hyde (R-IL).
Ask your Representatives to cosponsor H.R. 3347 and your Senators
to introduce companion legislation for it. Ask all of them to oppose the
Department of Justice's forfeiture bill.
- H.R. 4400
- Introduced by Rep. William Clay (D-MO), would prevent the use of paid,
confidential informants by the U.S. Postal Service in certain narcotics
investigations, and provide for an Inspector General to oversee the Postal
Service, to be appointed by the President. Prompted by an incident in which
19 postal service employees were falsely accused of drug dealing. This
bill passed the House on June 27 and is currently in the Post Office &
Civil Service Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs.
- H.R. 4230
- Introduced by Rep. William Richardson (D-NM), would amend the American
Indian Religious Freedom Act to allow religious use of peyote by Native
Americans. Passed the House on August 8, and is currently in the Senate
Committee on Indian Affairs.
Please write your two senators and ask them to introduce companion
legislation to these two bills.
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How to Reach Your Congressman/Senators:
The Honorable {your congressman}
House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515
The Honorable {your senator}
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
If you don't know who your congressman is, you can find out by calling
the Congressional Switchboard, (202) 224-3121.