- New Crime Bill: More of the Same, Only Worse
- the Republican Crime Bill offers increased federalization of the justice
system, expanded police powers, and more of the same drug-control strategies that have failed so miserably for
so many decades.
- Liverpool Clinic Losing Funding April 1
- The British Health Service plans to terminate the contract with the
Liverpool drug clinic that has recently become the focus of the international drug policy debate.
- DHHS Continues to Postpone Decision on HIV/Medical
Marijuana Study
- The DEA has refused to grant an import permit to obtain marijuana legally
from a Dutch pharmaceutical corporation that has offered to donate it, leaving NIDA the only legal
- Background on the Abrams Study
- Dr. Abrams' FDA-approved protocol is for a pilot project that calls
for 40 volunteers with a clinical diagnosis of the AIDS Wasting Syndrome.
- Still Wasting Away
- The FDA's willingness to talk about maybe someday permitting prescription
marijuana hasn't translated into any greater compassion for those suffering from the Wasting Syndrome now.
- The Gary Shepherd Case
- Gary was ambushed and killed in his front yard by police sharpshooters
after protesting the warrantless landing of a helicopter near his home in rural Kentucky.
- On the Move
- Reformers present a rational alternative to the government's "party
line" at the National Conference on Marijuana Use this summer.
- Drug Policy Foundation '94
- A mood of optimism prevailed at the Drug Policy Foundation's Eighth
International Conference on Drug Policy Reform.
- Point Clarification, Counterpoint
- A recent exchange of views in different sections of the New York Times
has helped open up the debate on drug prohibition.
- Accusation
- Times columnist A.M. Rosenthal is known for his reactionary views on
the subject of drugs and crime.
- No Taboos
- Neier explained that "we have financed groups with different viewpoints
on drug issues...because we are uncertain if decriminalization is the right approach."
- Clarification
- David Fratello, of the Washington-based Drug Policy Foundation, wrote
a note clarifying the nature of the Soros Foundation's funding to drug policy groups
- House of Cards
- Fratello wrote "the drug warriors have had the vision of living
in a house of cards, and seeing it topple suddenly."
- Can't Say Prohibition
- At the 8th International Conference on Drug Policy Reform...
- It's the Money, Stupid
- In the January 29 New York Times Magazine, former HEW secretary Joe
Califano, now director of Columbia University's Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA),
weighed in on the debatewith a
- column entitled "It's Drugs, Stupid".
- The War to Sell Drugs
- The war to sell drugs rages on, wreaking terror and destruction in
the inner cities.
- Editor's Page: Incomplete Reality
- Alecture at Harvard University on Sentencing, Minorities and the Law.
- New Organization Listings
- American Cannabis Research Experiment, American Drug History Institute,
- State Listings
- CA, GA, IN, etc.
- Publications
- Addiction Abstracts, Drug Policy Report, Hemp World Hemperial Productions,
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