On Thursday April 6, ABC aired America's War on Drugs: Searching
for Solutions, a news special anchored by former Texas Judge Catherine
Crier. The ABC special presented a brilliant and revealing overview of
alternatives to the drug war orthodoxy, perhaps unprecedented in the American
mainstream media. The show was followed by a discussion of the topic on
Nightline, with Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke, Partnership for a Drug Free
America chairman James Burke, and Center on Alcohol and Substance Abuse
director Joseph Califano. Since then, ABC has taken a lot of flack from
those who are opposed to a realistic discussion of the full range of policy
alternatives. It's important that reformers contact ABC in a show of public
support. Please send letters to producer Jeff Diamond at the following
Jeff Diamond
ABC News
77 W. 66th St.
New York, NY 10023
or call (212) 456-7777 and ask for audience information.
Videos are available by credit card only (Visa/Mastercard/Amex) at (800)
913-3434. Cost is $34.95 for the news special, $29.95 for Nightline, or
$54.90 for both, plus $3.95 shipping and handling for one video, or $4.95
for both. Transcripts are available for $14 for the news special, $12 for
Nightline, or $21 for both; call (800) ALL-NEWS, or send check or money
order to Journal Graphics, 1535 Grant St., Denver, CO 80203. Specify that
you are interested in the April 6th ABC News special and/or Nightline of
the same evening.
Following is a summary of the program, written by Jim Hoffman:
Stated Purpose:
The claimed purpose of the show was 'not to advocate specific policy'
but to 'open up the discussion' and consider new approaches, as this issue
'deserves debate'. It advised viewers not to dismiss approaches just because
they seem too radical.
The show focused on those approaches to the drug problem known as 'harm
reduction'. Although marijuana was touched on several times, the focus
was on 'hard drugs' such as heroin.
The show was composed primarily of excerpts of interviews with various
people, primarily advocates of harm reduction, stitched together with narrative
by Catherine Crier and footage of police raids, prisons, people shooting
drugs, etc. It is sprinkled with assertions by drug war zealot William
Bennett, which are in most cases followed by refutations which look much
more reasoned.
The show opened with some observations:
- We are losing the 'War on Drugs'.
- There is a striking lack of public debate about alternatives to current
- The crime problem cannot be addressed without addressing the drug problem.
And some facts:
- Over 300,000 people are in prison for drug law violations.
- There are as many illegal drugs on the streets today as ever.
It then interviewed Jimmy Montgomery, a paraplegic who was sentenced
to life imprisonment for 2 ounces of cannabis (later reduced to 10 years)
in Oklahoma. (He had no prior criminal record.) He smokes marijuana to
relieve the pain of his broken back. It quoted his attorney pointing out
that violent offenders are released from jail to make room for people like
Next, three influential advocates of harm reduction in the USA are introduced:
Conservative California Judge James Gray:
- declares the War on Drugs has turned into a war on our people.
- points out nothing is accomplished by imprisoning drug users.
- favors government regulated distribution of drugs coupled with education.
Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke:
- points out violence in the drug trade is caused by profits, not by
drugs themselves.
- advocates taking the profit out of drug distribution, through government
distribution and a focus on education and treatment.
- points out only 20% of addicts can get treatment.
New Haven police chief Nick Pastore:
- is shown interacting with inner-city youth talking about drugs.
William Bennett summarizes the prohibitionist mindset:
- 'You will never persuade the citizens of this country that drugs should
be legalized.'
- 'It (drug use) is a deadly and poisonous activity.'
- 'We must never admit defeat in the war on drugs.'
- 'People should be imprisoned for long periods of time for using drugs.'
Next it moves to Europe and looks at the experiences with harm reduction
in Holland and Britain.
- Use of cannabis is tolerated (scenes of people smoking up in coffee
- Tolerance of cannabis is attributed for the prevention of the use of
hard drugs by youth.
- A large proportion of crime is caused by foreign tourists coming from
countries with more repressive drug policies.
- Prosecution is reserved for large distributors, not users of even hard
- Since free needle exchanges were introduced the HIV infection rate
among IV drug users dropped from 11% to 4%, now one of lowest in the world.
- Public policy seeks to keep addicts healthy, productive citizens.
- There is still a black market in hard drugs, which many believe will
not be eliminated until complete legalization is implemented.
- Holland is pressured by the US to roll back its harm reduction policy.
- Heroin maintenance, which seeks to stabilize and help addicts by providing
pharmaceutical heroin, is practiced.
- The physical health of junkies is ruined by adulterants in illicit
heroin. (Pharmaceutical heroin can be used lifelong without medical consequences.)
- People on heroin maintenance are able to lead relatively normal healthy
- If given a chance, most people mature out of addiction, so heroin maintenance
buys time, allowing the user to build a life as an alternative to addiction.
- A 15-fold reduction in crimes by addicts on heroin maintenance has
been documented.
- Many on heroin maintenance are eventually successful in kicking the
Back to the USA ...
- America's lack of commitment to treatment is highlighted.
- The success rate of treatment (American style) is at best 25%.
AIDS infection:
- Ethan Nadelmann, a harm reduction proponent, questions the morality
of policies which result in IV drug users getting HIV, perhaps infecting
their lovers and children, and producing a huge economic burden on society.
- A study of the effectiveness of needle exchange programs in New York
shows a drop in HIV infection among IV drug users from 6% to 2%.
- Dr. Lester Grinspoon of Harvard Medical School dispels the gateway
theory of cannabis. He says cannabis is 'less of a problem than tobacco
or alcohol by orders of magnitude'.
- US Government reports dispel gateway theory.
- The 1972 Shafer Commission, appointed by Richard Nixon, recommends
the legalization of the possession and sale of small quantities of cannabis.
- The partial adoption of this strategy in California saved billions
of dollars.
- The nation's leaders purposely ignore findings of Shafer Commission.
William Bennett again:
- 'law enforcement is very effective prevention'
- 'legalizing cocaine would lead to between 40 and 50 million cocaine
addicts in the USA'
These assertions are both made to look rather dubious by subsequent
Drugs and children:
- PDFA commercials initially had "great impact" in discouraging
drug use.
- The lack of education has recently led to increased use among children.
- Due to prohibition there are pushers in schools - drugs are readily
available in spite of (or because of) prohibition.
Memorable metaphor:
Kurt Schmoke describes the drug war as a 'domestic Vietnam'.