DRCNet Book Giveaway Contest

Win a free copy of one of these important and exciting books about prohibition and the drug war. Entry in the contest is free -- just fill out our reader survey by Thursday, Nov. 7, 2002, click on the submit button, and you're in! (Only one entry per person -- multiple entries from the same person will be counted once.) Ten lucky contestants will receive a free copy of "Drug War Addiction," with a personal note from author Sheriff Bill Masters. The winners' names will be announced in the Week Online on completion of the contest. Boxes marked with a red asterisk are required for entry into the contest. Other boxes are optional, but the more information we have, the better we will be able to do our job working for positive reform of the drug laws.


First Name: *
Last Name: *
Address:     *

City:           *
State:   *
Zip Code: *
Country: *
E-mail Address: *
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Fax Number:


Gender:Male Female  

Marital Status: Single   Married   Divorced

Household Income:  

Level of Education:  

How often do you read any or all of DRCNet's The Week Online e-mail newsletter?

How often do you take some action (e.g. letter writing) in response to a DRCNet action alert or article?

Have you ever made a membership donation to DRCNet?
Click here to donate (not required for entry)


May we share your address with other carefully selected organizations?

Please check any of the following drug reform issues that you feel strongly about:
Overall Legalization/Decriminalization Marijuana Legalization/Decriminalization
AIDS/Needle Exchange/Harm Reduction adssadsa Mandatory Minimums/Prison
Medical Marijuana Chronic Pain Treatment
Asset Forfeiture Latin America
Drug Testing Industrial Hemp
Official Corruption/Police Misconduct Drug Education/Children's Issues
Race and the Drug War Methadone Reform
Women's Issues and the Drug War Drug Treatment
Drug War Militarization/Border Issues Immigration and the Drug War
Students in the Drug War Environmental Issues in the Drug War
Europe Global Drug Prohibition

What kind of future drug policy do you most favor?
Feel free to e-mail us with your thoughts on future drug policy.

Tell your friends! Just type their e-mail addresses here, and we'll send them an invitation to subscribe to the Week Online. Also use this box to send us any comments you may have.

* = required to enter into contest