- H.R. 2618
- Medical Marijuana bill, introduced by Rep. Barney Frank. Please contact
your Representative and request that he or she co-sponsors this bill --
Republicans are especially needed! Tell them the bill was modeled after
legislation sponsored by Newt Gingrich in the early 1980s.
- H.R. 1916
- A bill to reform the federal forfeiture laws, sponsored by Rep. Henry
Hyde (R-IL), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.
- S. 1398
- A bill to increase the penalty for trafficking in powder cocaine to
the same level as the penalty for trafficking in crack cocaine, sponsored
by Senator Breaux of Louisiana.
- H.R. 2507
- Bill that would undo the marijuana sentencing reforms passed by the
US Sentencing Commission last year. (The Sentencing Commission voted to
equalize marijuana plant weight equivalencies at 100 grams per plant, as
opposed to the 1 kg that previously went into effect at 50 plants or more.
About 950 federal prisoners will be affected; some of them have been released
You can write your two Senators or your Representative at the following
The Honorable {your Senator/Representative}
U.S. Senate/U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20510/20515
You can call them (or find out who they are) by calling the Congressional
Switchboard, at (202) 225-3121, or (800) 962- 3524 as long as it is active.