- War on Black People
- Racist aspects of the criminal justice system have been brought to
light by the controversy and disturbances.
- Elders Urges Needle Exchange
- Former US Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders urged the President and Congress
to lift the legal impediments to needle exchange programs
- Meddling Abroad
- The US government has a bad habit of forcing its failed drug policies
on other nations.
- Canadian Drug Reform Group Denounces Drug War
- The Canadian Foundation for Drug Policy harshly criticized Bill C-7,
the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act passed by the House of Commons
on October 30, 1995.
- Guns & Money
- A recent study by University of Missouri professor Scott Decker has
added yet more evidence to he well-established relationship between prohibition
and violence.
- Police Chiefs Question Merits of Drug-War Policies
- Two years after he circulated and signed a petition calling for sweeping
changes in national drug policy and the appointment of a commission to
study alternatives to the so- called "war on drugs,"...
- Highlight of Hoover Law Enforcement Summit
- 50 Top law enforcement officials attended. Twenty six were police chiefs.
Three sheriffs attended and two Chief Probation Officers.
- Two Named to Commission on Crime Control and
- On December 15th, President Clinton announced his intention to appoint
two members to the National Commission on Crime Control and Prevention.
- The Police State
- In their zeal to pursue the futile strategy of interdiction, police
agencies are taking increasing liberties with our liberty.
- Schmoke Wins Reelection Again
- Mayor Kurt Schmoke of Baltimore defeated Baltimore City Council President
Mary Pat Clarke on Tuesday, September 12, 1995.
- CASA Publishes Propaganda Paper
- Schmoke's strong victory in the primary may have taken some of the
wind out of a press conference.
- DRCNet Calendar
- Jan. 17, Hayward, CA, 8pm, "Why ain't pot legal yet?" Discussion
with Dale Gieringer, Ph.D., CA, NORML...
- Conferences Coming Up
- Crime and Politics in the 1990s: Creating Demand for New Policies,
2nd annual conference of the Campaign for an Effective Crime Policy, February
15-17, 1996.
- Tapes Available
- Recordings are available for two major events that took place last
- Federal Legislation
- Good bill/ Bad bill
- In the States
- CA, MA, MO, NJ, OR
- Editor's Page: Save the Children
- The argument typically made in favor of prohibition is that drugs have
to be illegal in order to protect those members of society who are the
most vulnerable to abuse and addiction, especially children.
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